Saturday, April 14, 2012

Displays of the Future

In the future, there will be multiple ways that we can transmit and receive communication.  One, discussed before, was Claytronics using 3 dimensional faxing.  Science wants to take communicative types of technology down many different avenues.  Particular types of communication scientists are intently focusing on are displays, such as TVs, computer monitors, mp3 players, Internet devices, etc.  Why?
Displays surround us. 
Scientists want to take it a step further and create a display people can wear on their eye called the Smart Contact Lens.  They would incorporate electronic devices onto a contact lens, allowing you to surf the Internet on a transparent screen mounted directly on the surface of your eye. 

A wirelessly connected computer on your contact lens?

This will give us the capacity to create an augmented reality, which is an ability to overlay the virtual world onto the real world, changing life as we know it.  It's reminiscent of a video game reality.
But is this really possible?

Scientists say within the next 30 years, all of this will be possible.  If we continue down the path we have started with our technology advances, everything will be connected.   We will have computers woven into our clothing and possibly in our bodies.  We will have to carry multiple devices that talk to each other.  For now, we will continue to ride the technology wave.  In the future, we will have to be the ones to judge when technology has overstepped its boundaries. 
Originally only possible in video games, imagine driving down the road seeing this in your vision: